1) Long Division by 9: Data: AL: lower address of the considered number. AH: upper address of the considered number. C1 = &1C71C71C. C2 = 2*C1+1 = &38E38E39. PM: pointer to the 9 products NA*C1 for 0 <= NA <= 8. Temporary Registers: NA: 4 MSBs of the current partial dividends before the division, remainder after the division. NB: 32 LSBs of the current partial dividends before the division, quotient after the division. TB: partial quotient (yielded by the 4 MSBs). Unmodified Registers: AL, C1, C2, PM. -- DIV9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- MOV NA, #0 ;Remainder = 0 at the beginning. div9_loop LDR NB, [AH] ;LSBs of the dividend. LDR TB, [PM, NA, LSL #2] ;\ ADDS NB, NB, NA, LSL #2 ;| We get rid of the 4 MSBs of the dividend SUBCS NB, NB, #36 ;| --> partial quotient TB (no remainder). ADDCS TB, TB, #4 ;/ SUB NB, NB, NB, LSL #3 ;\ ADD NB, NB, NB, LSL #6 ;| 32-bit multiplication ADD NB, NB, NB, LSL #12 ;| NB * (2a+1). ADD NB, NB, NB, LSL #24 ;/ CMP NB, C2 SUBCS NB, NB, C2 SBC NA, C2, C1, LSL #1 ;NA = C flag (generated by the CMP). CMP NB, C2, LSL #1 SUBCS NB, NB, C2, LSL #1 ADDCS NA, NA, #2 CMP NB, C2 SUBCS NB, NB, C2 ADDCS NA, NA, #1 CMP C1, NB SBCCC NB, NB, C1 ADDCC NA, NA, #5 ADD NB, NB, TB STR NB, [AH], #-4 ;Store the quotient. CMP AH, AL BCS div9_loop ;Loop... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Long Division by a 32-bit Number: Data: AH: upper address of the dividend. BL: lower address of the quotient. BH: upper address of the quotient. SL: left shift count to normalize the divisor. SR: 32-SL. DV: normalized divisor. QT: pointer to the table of the 8-bit partial quotients. PL: pointer to the table of the LSBs of the products NQ.DV. Temporary Registers: (NA,NB): current normalized partial dividend. NK: will be the 32-bit partial quotient (8-bit partial quotient for stage 1). NQ: 8-bit partial quotient (stages 2, 3, 4). NT: temporary. Unmodified Registers: BL, SL, SR, DV, QT, PL. -- LDIV -------------------------------------------------------------------- GBLA ldiv_n MOV NA, #0 ldiv_loop LDR NB, [AH], #-4 ;Next digit. ORR NA, NA, NB, LSR SR ;\ Normalize this digit --> the partial MOV NB, NB, LSL SL ;/ dividend (NA,NB) is normalized. LDRB NK, [QT, NA, LSR #23] ;Minimal partial quotient (real partial quotient = NK or NK+1). LDR NT, [PL, NK, LSL #2] ;NT = 32 LSBs of NQ.DV. RSB NA, NT, NA, LSL #7 ;\ 8-bit shift of (NA,NB) to the left (normalization), MOVS NA, NA, LSL #1 ;| and subtract NT at the same time (C = 1 if there is ADD NA, NA, NB, LSR #24 ;| an overflow in the subtraction; in this case, the MOV NB, NB, LSL #8 ;/ real quotient was NK+1). CMPCC NA, DV SUBCS NA, NA, DV ;Correction of the partial dividend. ADDCS NK, NK, #1 ;Correction of the partial quotient. ldiv_n SETA 2 ;These instructions will be assembled 3 times. WHILE ldiv_n >= 0 LDRB NQ, [QT, NA, LSR #23] ;Cf above (idem for the following instructions). LDR NT, [PL, NQ, LSL #2] ;Note: NQ is used instead of NK. RSB NA, NT, NA, LSL #7 MOVS NA, NA, LSL #1 ADD NA, NA, NB, LSR #24 [ ldiv_n != 0 MOV NB, NB, LSL #8 ;This instruction is useless in the last stage. ] CMPCC NA, DV SUBCS NA, NA, DV ;Correction of the partial dividend. ADC NK, NQ, NK, LSL #8 ;Correction + update of the 32-bit partial quotient. ldiv_n SETA ldiv_n - 1 WEND STR NK, [BH], #-4 ;Store the 32-bit partial quotient. CMP BH, BL BCS ldiv_loop ;Loop... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) Computation of the Table of the Partial Quotients: Data: QT: pointer to the table that will be created. DV: normalized divisor. Temporary Registers: (NA,NB): multiple of 2*DV (NA: 9 MSBs of the dividend). NQ: current partial quotient. Unmodified Registers: DV. -- CQUOT ------------------------------------------------------------------- MVN NA, #0 MVN NB, #0 MOV NQ, #0 cquot_loop STRB NQ, [QT], #1 ADDS NB, NB, DV, LSL #1 ADC NA, NA, #1 STRCSB NQ, [QT], #1 ADD NQ, NQ, #1 CMP NQ, #&100 BNE cquot_loop ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) Computation of the Table of the Products: Data: PL: pointer to the table that will be created. DV: normalized divisor. Temporary Registers: T1: LSBs of the current product; the 7 MSBs are not represented. T2: counter. Unmodified Registers: DV. -- CPROD ------------------------------------------------------------------- MOV T1, #0 MOV T2, #256 cprod_loop STR T1, [PL], #4 ADD T1, T1, DV, LSR #1 SUBS T2, T2, #1 BNE cprod_loop ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) Conversion base 2 --> base 10: Data: AH: upper address + 4 of the binary number. TL: lower address of the temporary decimal number T. TH: upper address + 4 of the temporary decimal number T. RH: upper address + 4 of the result R, = TH + 4. Z1: &01010101. RL: lower address where the non-interlaced result will be stored. Temporary Registers: T1: misc. T2: misc. T3: misc. T4: misc, used in the last part. Z5: &05050505, calculated and used in the last part. TA: current word of the binary number. TK: current address of the least significant non-zero digits of T. TT: pointer to a word of T or R. CT: counter. Unmodified Registers: TL, RH, Z1. Note: T4 and Z5 must be mapped on 2 registers corresponding to AH, TH, TK, TT and CT. The words of T must be initially equal to &FFFFFFFF. The words of R must be initially equal to 0. The last 4 digits of R will be equal to 0, so the lengths of the decimal numbers must be equal to the wanted number of digits + 4 (there will still be round errors). -- CONV -------------------------------------------------------------------- MOV T1, #&02000000 STR T1, [TH, #-4]! ;Initial value of T: 2.000. MOV TK, TH conv_outer1 LDR TA, [AH, #-4]! ;Read the next word of the binary number. MOV CT, #31 ;Counter: 32 bits. conv_inner1 MOVS TA, TA, LSL #1 ;Next bit of the binary number. BCC conv_next1 ;Branch if zero (no addition). MOV TT, TK ;T will be added to R. conv_loop1 LDMIA TT!, {T1, T2} ;Read the next 4 digits of T and R. ADD T1, T1, T2 ;Addition (without carry). STR T1, [TT, #-4] ;Store the result. CMP TH, TT BCS conv_loop1 ;Loop while there still are non-zero digits of T. conv_next1 TST CT, #7 ;Every 8 bits, the result must be "cleaned". BNE conv_next2 ;Branch if the counter isn't a multiple of 8. ADD TT, TK, #4 ;Least significant non-zero word of the result. MOV T2, #0 ;Clear the carry (whose value is 0 or 8). conv_loop2 LDR T1, [TT] ;Read the next 4 digits (a digit is in [0..199]). ADD T1, T1, T2 ;Add the carry. AND T2, T1, Z1, LSL #7 ;Bits 31, 23, 15, 7: 1 when the corresponding digit is >= 128. ADD T1, T1, T2, LSL #4 ;\ Add 8 (carry) to the next digit when the bit has the SUB T1, T1, T2, LSR #1 ;| value 1 (except for bit 31), and subtract 80 from the SUB T1, T1, T2, LSR #3 ;/ digits corresponding to the non-zero bits. MOV T2, T2, LSR #28 ;Carry: 8 if bit 31 had the value 1, otherwise 0. CMP TH, TT STR T1, [TT], #8 ;Store the result. BCS conv_loop2 ;Loop while the most significant non-zero word of T was not reached... CMP T2, #0 BNE conv_loop2 ;and while the carry is not 0. conv_next2 MOV TT, TH ;T will be divided by 2. MOV T2, #0 ;T2: "backcarry": 0 or &05000000. LDR T1, [TT] ;Read the most significant word of T. CMP T1, #1 SUBLS TH, TH, #8 ;Decrease TH if this word will become zero. CMP TH, TL BEQ conv_norm ;Branch if T will become zero (end of the conversion). conv_loop3 MOVS T2, T2, LSR #27 ;C = backcarry, and T2 = 0. MOVS T1, T1, RRX ;Divide by 2 (backcarries in bits 31, 23, 15, 7 and C). AND T3, Z1, T1, LSR #7 ;T3: backcarries in bits 24, 16, 8 and 0. BIC T1, T1, Z1, LSL #7 ;Clear the backcarries in T1. ADD T3, T3, T3, LSL #2 ADD T1, T1, T3 ;Add 5 where there are backcarries. STR T1, [TT], #-8 ;Store the result. MOVCS T2, #&05000000 ;New backcarry. LDR T1, [TT] ;Read the next 4 digits. TEQ T1, #0 BPL conv_loop3 ;Loop if there are real digits (not &FFFFFFFF). TEQ T2, #0 ;If backcarry = 0, no digit is concatenated to the number. CMPNE TT, TL ;Idem if the wanted precision has been reached. STRNE T2, [TK, #-8]! ;Otherwise digits 5, 0, 0, 0 are concatenated. SUBS CT, CT, #1 BCS conv_inner1 ;Loop if all the bits of the word TA have not been read. B conv_outer1 ;Loop. conv_norm ADD TA, TL, #12 ;The result will be normalized and copied at RL. ADD Z5, Z1, Z1, LSL #2 ;T5 = &05050505. MOV T2, #0 ;Clear the carry. conv_outer2 LDR T1, [TA], #8 ;Read the next 4 digits. ADD T1, T1, T2 ;Add the carry. MOV T2, #0 ;Clear the new carry. AND T3, T1, Z1, LSL #7 AND T4, T1, Z1, LSL #6 ORRS T3, T3, T4, LSL #1 ;Bits 31, 23, 15, 7: 1 iff the corresponding digit is >= 64. conv_inner2 ADDMI T2, T2, #6 ;Add 6 to the carry if the most significant digit is >= 64. ADD T3, T3, T3, LSR #1 ADD T1, T1, T3, LSL #3 ;Add 6 to the next digits when the bit is 1. ADD T3, T3, T3, LSR #2 ;\ Subtract 60 when SUB T1, T1, T3, LSR #2 ;/ the bit is 1. AND T3, T1, Z1, LSL #7 AND T4, T1, Z1, LSL #6 ORRS T3, T3, T4, LSL #1 ;Bits 31, 23, 15, 7: 1 iff the corresponding digit is >= 64. BNE conv_inner2 ;Loop while at least one bit is 1. ORR T3, T1, Z1, LSL #7 ;T3: set bits 31, 23, 15, 7. SUB T3, T3, Z5, LSL #3 ;Subtract 40 from each digit (in T3). ANDS T3, T3, Z1, LSL #7 ;Bits 31, 23, 15, 7: 1 iff the corresponding digit is >= 40. ADDMI T2, T2, #4 ;Add 4 to the carry if the most significant digit is >= 40. ADD T1, T1, T3, LSL #3 ;Add 4 to the next digits when the bit is 1. SUB T1, T1, T3, LSR #2 ;\ Subtract 40 when SUB T1, T1, T3, LSR #4 ;/ the bit is 1. ORR T3, T1, Z1, LSL #7 ;T3: set bits 31, 23, 15, 7. SUB T3, T3, Z5, LSL #2 ;Subtract 20 from each digit (in T3). ANDS T3, T3, Z1, LSL #7 ;Bits 31, 23, 15, 7: 1 iff the corresponding digit is >= 20. ADDMI T2, T2, #2 ;Add 2 to the carry if the most significant digit is >= 20. ADD T1, T1, T3, LSL #2 ;Add 2 to the next digits when the bit is 1. SUB T1, T1, T3, LSR #3 ;\ Subtract 20 when SUB T1, T1, T3, LSR #5 ;/ the bit is 1. ORR T3, T1, Z1, LSL #7 ;T3: set bits 31, 23, 15, 7. SUB T3, T3, Z5, LSL #1 ;Subtract 10 from each digit (in T3). ANDS T3, T3, Z1, LSL #7 ;Bits 31, 23, 15, 7: 1 iff the corresponding digit is >= 10. conv_inner3 ADDMI T2, T2, #1 ;Add 1 to the carry if the most significant digit is >= 10. ADD T1, T1, T3, LSL #1 ;Add 1 to the next digits when the bit is 1. SUB T1, T1, T3, LSR #4 ;\ Subtract 10 when SUB T1, T1, T3, LSR #6 ;/ the bit is 1. ORR T3, T1, Z1, LSL #7 ;T3: set bits 31, 23, 15, 7. SUB T3, T3, Z5, LSL #1 ;Subtract 10 from each digit (in T3). ANDS T3, T3, Z1, LSL #7 ;Bits 31, 23, 15, 7: 1 iff the corresponding digit is >= 10. BNE conv_inner3 ;Branch if at least one bit is 1 (prob. 1/10). STR T1, [RL], #4 ;Store the result. CMP RH, TA BCS conv_outer2 ;Loop while there still are digits. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) Main program: -- MAIN -------------------------------------------------------------------- SP RN 13 BB RN 2 TL RN 3 TH RN 4 RL RN 5 QT RN 6 NN RN 7 SL RN 8 T1 RN 12 T2 RN 11 T3 RN 10 T4 RN 9 T5 RN 8 T6 RN 7 start ADD BB, R0, R0, LSR #2 ;BB = 5 * R0 / 4. BB will be divided by 3. ADD T1, BB, BB, LSL #2 ;\ ADD T1, T1, T1, LSL #4 ;| ADD T1, T1, T1, LSL #8 ;| Multiply BB by &AAAAAAAB = 3^(-1) in Z/32Z. ADD T1, T1, T1, LSL #16 ;| ADD BB, BB, T1, LSL #1 ;/ LDR T2, fv ;T2 = &55555555. RSBS T1, BB, T2, LSL #1 SBCCC BB, BB, T2, LSL #1 ;If (BB >= &AAAAAAAB), BB -= &AAAAAAAB. RSBS T1, BB, T2 SBCCC BB, BB, T2 ;If (BB >= &55555556), BB -= &55555556. ADD BB, BB, #3 ;BB = 5 * R0 / 12 + 3. BIC BB, BB, #3 ;BB final value. ADD TL, R1, BB ;TL = R1 + B. ADD TH, TL, BB SUB TH, TH, #4 ;TH = R1 + 2 * B - 4. STMFD SP!, {R0, LR} ADD R0, R0, #4 ADD RL, R1, R0, LSL #1 ;RL = R1 + 2 * (N + 4). ADD QT, RL, BB ;QT = RL + B. MOV NN, #3 ;Initial divisor: NN = 3. MOV SL, #30 ;Shift count: SL = 30. MOV T1, TL MOV T3, RL init_loop STR T2, [T1], #4 ;T = 4/3 = 01010101... STR T2, [T3], #4 ;R = 4/3 = 01010101... CMP QT, T3 BNE init_loop ORR T2, T2, #&80000000 ;T2 = 1101010101... STR T2, [T3, #-4] ;R = 4 (1/2 + 1/3) = 1101010101... outer CMP TH, TL BCC ldiv ;Branch if T = 0 (no division by 9). LDR T2, c2 ;T2 = &38E38E39. MOV T1, T2, LSR #1 ;T1 = &1C71C71C. ADR T3, pm ;Pointer to the T1*i's where i is in [0..8]. STMFD SP!, {TH, SL} AL=TL, AH=TH, C1=T1, C2=T2, PM=T3, NA=T4, NB=T5, TB=LR LDMFD SP!, {TH, SL} LDR T1, [TH] CMP T1, #0 SUBEQ TH, TH, #4 ;Update TH. ldiv MOV T3, NN, LSL SL ;T3: normalized divisor. QT=QT, DV=T3, NA=T1, NB=T2, NQ=T4 ADD QT, RL, BB ;Restore QT (which was modified by CQUOT). ADD T4, QT, #512 PL=T4, DV=T3, T1=T1, T2=T2 MOV T4, NN, LSR #5 ;T4: address + 4 where the most significant SUB T4, TL, T4, LSL #2 ;word of the quotient will be stored. CMP T4, R1 ;Branch to conversion if the address is less than BLS conv ;the address of the least significant word. SUB T4, T4, #4 MOV T1, #1 MOV T1, T1, ROR NN ;T1 = 2^k: number that will be added to [T4, BB]. LDR T2, [T4, BB] STMFD SP!, {BB, TL, TH, RL, NN, T2, T4} ORR T2, T2, T1 STR T2, [T4, BB] ;[R1+BB..T4+BB]: 1/2^n + 1/3^n. ADD TH, T4, BB RSB LR, SL, #32 ADD TL, QT, #512 AH=TH, BL=R1, BH=T4, SL=SL, SR=LR, DV=T3, QT=QT, PL=TL, NA=T1, NB=T2, NK=NN, NQ=BB, NT=RL LDMFD SP!, {BB, TL, TH, RL, NN, T2, T4} STR T2, [T4, BB] ;Restore [T4, BB]. STMFD SP!, {R1, RL} TST NN, #2 BNE subtract MOV T3, #0 ;The quotient will be added to the result. add_loop1 MOVS T3, T3, LSR #1 LDR T1, [R1], #4 LDR T2, [RL] ADCS T2, T2, T1 STR T2, [RL], #4 ADC T3, T3, T3 CMP T4, R1 BCS add_loop1 MOVS T3, T3, LSR #1 BCC addsub_end add_loop2 LDR T2, [RL] ADDS T2, T2, #1 STR T2, [RL], #4 BCC addsub_end B add_loop2 subtract MOV T3, #1 ;The quotient will be subtracted from the result. sub_loop1 MOVS T3, T3, LSR #1 sub_loop2 LDR T1, [R1], #4 LDR T2, [RL] SBCS T2, T2, T1 STR T2, [RL], #4 ADC T3, T3, T3 CMP T4, R1 BCS sub_loop1 MOVS T3, T3, LSR #1 BCC sub_loop2 addsub_end LDMFD SP!, {R1, RL} ADD NN, NN, #2 ;Next divisor. MOVS T3, NN, LSL SL BCC outer SUB SL, SL, #1 ;SL = new shift count. B outer conv MOV TL, R1 ADD RL, R1, R0, LSL #1 SUB TH, RL, #4 MOV T1, R1 MOV T2, #0 MVN T3, #0 ff_loop STMIA T1!, {T3, T2} ;T3 (= R10) stored before T2 (= R11). CMP T1, TH BLS ff_loop LDR T6, z1 AH=QT, TL=TL, TH=TH, RL=R1, RH=RL, Z1=T6, T1=T1, T2=T2, T3=T3, T4=T4, Z5=T5, TA=LR, TT=T5, CT=BB, TK=T4 LDMFD SP!, {R0, PC} z1 DCD &01010101 fv DCD &55555555 c2 DCD &38E38E39 pm DCD 0,&1C71C71C,&38E38E38,&55555554,&71C71C70,&8E38E38C,&AAAAAAA8,&C71C71C4,&E38E38E0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------